OCA #49 People edition Interview with GALINA SHEPELEVA
OCA Magazine: Tell us, please, about yourself and your creative activity / work
Galina Shepeleva: My name is Galina Shepeleva, I was born 10.09.1955 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. As far back as I can remember, I’ve always painted, starting in children’s art school. After the end of my main working activity, I had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to study antique painting and frescoes in the birthplace of the great Renaissance for 4 years in the ART Accademia AD’A in Florence, Italy.

OCA: How did you choose your path and who is your role model in the creative space or life?
GS: The city of Florence is steeped in the history of this era and its masterpieces, which left a fascinating impression on me. This training basically determined my path in creativity. The great Botticelli, Raphael, Andrea di Sardi, Tiepolo were my spiritual teachers, and in practice, it’s an academy professor, signora Sonia De Francesitti.
Actually applying the studied technique of antique painting, I have painted a “Chastity matter” picture. Canvas, oil 120×100 sm. Unfortunately, the word “chastity” is rarely used nowadays, and some people don’t know what it means at all… Once the Queen Maria Theresa of Austria even established an innocence commission to fight against immoral conduct. But the chastity,- is not only the body (in the painting it is marked by barbed wire around the hips of women), – it is also the head, and the way of thinking, and the behaviour of a person, and his communication with colleagues at work, at home, with parents, friends, children. This is allegiancy, devotion and honesty in everything and with everyone in his life and in the life of a country! Chastity, keeping oneself in oneself…, and turning one’s inherent value into a precious thing. In a deep philosophical sense: whether your innocence is your precious thing? In any way, everyone will have a different answer to that question. For me personally, this is a very vital, important topic, and this picture is in fact my peculiar Message to the World!
OCA: What is your main achievement in 2022-2023?
GS: Both 2022 and 2023 have been rich in creative experiences for me. In March 2022 participation in the exhibition “World Art Dubai 2022”. Thanks to my curator Lidia Drozdova I take part in exhibitions and art spaces. “Beautiful Image of Woman” Exhibition timed to March 8, 2023. In May-June online Golden Time Talent London and then participation in the same festival in London in July. Participation in the Republican Kazakhstan exhibition “Shining light on others, burning myself” about the work of healthcare professionals during the pandemic.
OCA: What is the main feature that makes you and your art/work unique?
GS: For me, Art is the most democratic form of communication there is. It can make you dream, think, it can give you feelings of bitterness or happiness, wonder and admiration, hope for the realisation of dreams…. Art helps to get better, as they say, a better version of ourselves… Perhaps this is what makes my creativity and work valuable and unique. I try to make every painting I do say something.
OCA: Tell us, please, about the events of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and projects that you have already taken part in and how does ECG influence your creativity and success in your work?
GS: An amazing experience for me was joining the Eurasian Creative Guild, London. By acceding the Guild as an Ambassador, I feel myself as if in a new, higher quality with expanded boundaries and horizons, including events starting with the acquaintance with a wonderful person, vice chairman of Guild Marat Akhmedjanov.
One had already taken place during my stay in London in July, organised by Genadiy Gorovoy, poet and ambassador of Guild in London, where I presented two of my paintings “Chastity” and “Peonies”. This meeting has given me a chance to get to know so interesting, passionate, versatile people who came to this meeting. I hope to have further contact with them in the future.
OCA: What is your motivation and the main aim of your creativity?
GS: My motivation is love for life and everything that surrounds me! And the goal is always the same: I invite the viewer to immerse themselves and spend time with their imagination.
OCA: What would you wish for the members of the Guild and other creative people, just starting their career?
GS: To the members of the guild and all creative people I wish health! physical, creative, spiritual… to have a bright head and intentions, success in our difficult work and more positive!