The Interactive Map as a visual documentary database of collective memory about Sharaf Rashidov and how it helps in the educational process.

The Interactive Map as a visual documentary database of collective memory about Sharaf Rashidov and how it helps in the educational process.    November 6th, 2022 is the day of the 105th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding statesman, politician and diplomat, poet and writer, who led Uzbekistan in a difficult period, Sharaf Rashidovich Rashidov. […]

The Shakespeare of the Turkic World

130th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaijani dramatist, Huseyn Javid “Damn all life, all the Universe,  if all the glorious world wars,  bloody battles won’t generate love in the end, universal love” Huseyn Javid, Extract from the play “Amir Timur” Biography The outstanding poet and playwright, Huseyn Javid, was born in 1882 in the ancient Azerbaijani […]

Sharaf Rashidov’s 100th birth anniversary: remembering the Uzbek statesman and a writer

This year marks the 100th anniversary since birth of Sharaf R. Rashidov, the first secretary of the Uzbek communist party (in office from 1959 until 1983). Rashidov was born on November the 6th 1917, the day before the Bolsheviks under Lenin seized power in Russia. His birthday seems symbolical as he would become the highest […]